Herbert Herzog Australian and New Zealand Obesity Society Annual Scientific Conference 2023

Herbert Herzog

Prof Herbert Herzog is the Chair in Neuroendocrinology at the Garvan. In his early years he studied Chemistry, switching to Biochemistry for his PhD, which he obtained from the University of Innsbruck (Austria). In 1991, Herbert joined the Garvan Institute where he studies the role of NPY and other family members like PYY and pancreatic poly peptide, investigating the numerous different functions of these important molecules publishing more then 250 papers on that subject and establishing himself as an international leader in this field. His achievements have been recognised through invitations to present keynote and plenary lectures at numerous national and international conferences as well as invitations to present at seminar series of different national and international organisations including industry. He received the ‘Victor Mutt Award” from the International Regulatory Peptide Society in 2009 and was invited to give the ANS plenary lecture in 2010, the highest reward given by the society. Prof Herzog’s current work focuses on the brain's role in the regulation of eating behaviour, stress and depression. He is also interested in how homeostatic processes that regulate bodyweight are coordinated with other homeostatic processes in the body, like the one that control bone mass.

Abstracts this author is presenting: